Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Lovin' Lasagna

So this past week I got into the cooking mood. Gasp!  So I am not much of a cook, unless it comes in a box with step by step directions.  Taking on new recipes always takes more time than it probably should for me, but I still try it occasionally.  This time around, I felt that some healthy lasagna was calling my name.

I followed these directions from this recipe I used once before, and the hubby and daughter loved it.  Since it turned out well the first time, I am doing it a second time to see if I can give it the  “Superwoman” stamp of approval.

Of course, I will eventually invest in all the right tools to make this.  Until then, I make do with what I have.


If you don’t have a mandolin, I have managed to use a paddle cheese grater to slice the zuchinni.  
I push the zuchinni against the large flat area between the grater and the metal stand.  Once you get the hang of it you will know how much pressure to put and what thickness works.   Sometimes you get too thin and sometimes took thick, but really isn’t a big deal because its delicious no matter what!
The first time I did this, it was completely experimental.  This time I was more confident in my faux "mandolin" skills.

Thanks to SkinnyTaste, the instructions were easy to follow.  Follow the link for the full instructions for this delicious zucchini lasagna.

Here are some pictures I wanted to share with you.

I know my presentation is not all that - but it fed the family, it was healthy, and they loved it! Mission accomplished!

I hope you give it a try and I hope you enjoy this meal as much as we did.

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