Saturday, March 28, 2015

Days Fly By

FYI: Started this a few days ago.  Boy, is that proof that life gets too busy? Better late than never right??

Does anyone else out there wonder how the heck 24 hours pass us by and how after a busy day, we can still feel completely overwhelmed and unaccomplished?

My normal day ends at work around 5. So I gather my junk, run to the restroom (long drive home), and get to my car. It takes me at least 20 minutes to get to my kids at daycare (if I'm lucky). Getting in and out of the daycare is work because its two stops, in two different rooms, packing up individual items (artwork, dirty clothes, bottles, etc). And I do ask about my kiddos' day, if they had any issues, make sure I'm updated on any activities happening, etc.  So I get the three of us into the car and hit the road home. Then home is at least another 20 minutes, (again if I am lucky). Once home, getting in the door includes letting the dogs out, unloading the car, and trying to start dinner. I try to plan meals as best I can but I am far from a pro in that area. Hubby gets home just after us and helps finish up the cooking.  Dinner is a time to sit and catch up, and try to not rush even though we know bedtime is right around the corner.  We try for bedtime between 7:30 and 8, but most days we run a bit behind. So we split the bedtime duties - bathtime, playtime, cuddle and kisses time, pjs, brushing teeth, prayers, reading a book, and more hugs and kisses.  You know... you can't rush though these things.  Once they are down - its back to work. Dishes, trash, maybe left over laundry or just picking up around the house.  I try to not bring work home, but somedays, its inevitable.  I finish up as much as possible and once I stop - look at the time!

And while I know I did a lot in my day, and I accomplished stuff at work, home, and with my family, I still ask - Where did my day go??  Could I have done any more?  Can I make myself more efficient?

In the end though, I realize that I may not have gotten around to the many things on my to-do list and that's okay.  I didn't finish that old project or start that new one.  But what I did get matters so much more.  I got to hear about my daughter's day on the drive home.  I watched her play and I sang songs to my son while I cooked dinner.  I talked to my dogs, and scratched their ears, rubbed their bellies.  I talked to my husband about his day and we danced in the kitchen while dinner cooked.  I played with my son before bedtime, nuzzled his neck and tickled his toes.  I chased my daughter and raced across the house.  Her and I read together and prayed together.  And when I finally went to bed, I laid in my husband's arms and we talked until we fell asleep.  Looking back - I accomplished the important things, and the rest can wait...

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