Monday, March 23, 2015

End of the Day

Putting my 10 month old baby boy to sleep tonight was a lovely pause in a busy day. The ten months have flown by... I'd love to say I cuddled with him by holding his bottle for him and insisted on small kisses on his cheeks and forehead as he fell into his sleep. Cuddles - check. Kisses - check.  But he is much too independent and insists on feeding himself. Cuddling is of course wonderful but I have to be cautious.  For me, that's a sure way to fall asleep and then wake up in few hours lost, confused, and trying to figure out how to maneuver him carefully and put him in his bed comfortably and keep him asleep.

My baby girl had an almost great day - except for the part where I didn't pick her up from daycare (after I promised this morning). Yes - I felt awful not doing as I said. Poor thing had a breakdown and a threenager argument with her daddy, as he was off first and picked her up, and that conflict wore them both out. (He usually gets her good side... So today was a bit surprising.) Then to top it off, she replayed my morning promise during dinner, as she explained to me why she had been mean.  We had a good talk and had a heartfelt apology with hugs and kisses. Dinner and early to bed for her in hopes of a better day tomorrow. 

Children amaze me. Its everything about them - their minds, their personality, their facial expressions, their independence... Three years separate my babies - and I just want to find a way to slow down time with them. I wish I had more time to take it in... But if I sit here too long, I realize emotions will start to get the best of me - and there is much to do before my own bedtime.  Dishes await this superwoman... 

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